Application form – vehicles




1. The display of vehicles registered online is free of charge.
2. Each vehicle entered online takes part in the audience vote in the "Best Car/Bike Kustomhead 2023" category
3. The applicant is entitled to two identifiers entitling to participate in the event (two-day passes).
4. The Applicant undertakes to provide the vehicles listed in the Application Form at its own cost.
5. The organizer does not bear any responsibility for accidents of people and damage to exhibits during the opening hours of the event for visitors.
6. The organizer is not responsible for damages caused by force majeure.
7. The organizer ensures protection of the exhibition grounds. The security company does not supervise the stands during the opening hours of the Convention for visitors and during their arrangement and disassembly by Exhibitors.
8. The organizer takes over the responsibility for the exhibits after the exhibition halls are closed for visitors (night from Friday to Saturday and night from Saturday to Sunday).
9. Deadline for submitting applications: 31/01/2023.
10. The condition for accepting the Application by the Organizer is attaching a photo of the entered vehicle. The photograph should be saved in a resolution of not less than 1600px - longer side. File size cannot exceed 2 MB.